Discuss IT and Design a variety of tutorials and design it. let's read that are useful to you. thank you for visiting my humble blog

Linux Admin Tips, Tricks and Tools of the Trade

Here in the Linux community, most of us enjoy high-level debates about strategies and trends just as much as the next technology enthusiast does.
At the end of the day, however, it seems safe to say that what we tend to relish most of all is a good ol' nuts-and-bolts discussion of the tools and tricks of the trade.

Configure PPP for dialup for a single machine

I shall explain how to setup PPP on your Linux machine, so that you can connect to the Internet using an external modem and a Dialup connection. This article explains the setup for the superuser alone (Not normal users).

Note that if you have KDE installed and have installed Kppp along with that, then configuring Kppp and getting connected to the net is much simpler and better than following the procedure given below. Article "Configuring Kppp to connect to the Internet" explains configuration of Kppp.


Configuring Kppp to connect to the Internet

A lot of people thanked God (as well as the guys behind KDE) when kppp came to the scene. The entire process of connecting to the Internet using a dial up connection was simplified to a very great extent. I shall show you how to configure kppp to connect to the Internet (connect to your ISP).
Setup :
ISP Name : powersurfer.net
ISP telephone No. : 172355
My username & password : 'namexxx' and 'passxxx'

Windows COM Ports equivalent in Linux

I shall list the Linux equivalent of the Windows COM ports. This information is generally found in the HowTo section, but if you haven't found it there, here it is for quick reference. This information is asked during the configuration of various softwares, so its best if you make a list of of 'Which Hardware - Which Port' for your machine, so that you can refer to it whenever required. 


How to Backup Your Blogger Posts and Comments Manually

Backup Your Blogger Posts and Comments Manually. Being a blogger user, there is no assurance that your blog is safe from removal, that’s the price of using the platform for free. Since, your site is hosted at Google servers. Therefore, if your site does not comply with their Terms and services they will delete your site without even giving a second chance.  You may have heard from many co-Blogger users that their websites are getting vanished overnight. As a Google blogger, there is no way of retrieving your deleted blog. The only thing you can do to protect yourself is to take a backup of your site. In this Article, we will show you how to take backup your Blogger Blog.

How to Show the Contents of Blog (Contents Widget)

List of contents on the blog will allow visitors to find articles that sought, with table of contents on this blog will make the visitor feel more at home reading our blog, because we already give to all content available on our blog.
Another benefit of the list to fill in the blog is going to create a search engine like our blog, an implication will index all the pages that we display on the main page on the table of contents
Okay do not have wide-winded again, for those bloggers who are interested to install a list of content in his blog, the following steps:

Off Site SEO Techniques

Off site SEO techniques are as the name suggests factors from outside the site itself (ie from other sites) that impact the blog’s ranking in search engines. Many of these factors are outside the blogger’s control – however they are useful to know. The most obvious and probably most powerful offsite factor are Inbound Links (something I’ve already referred to above). 
It is generally agreed that the links that point to a website are one of the most powerful way of climbing Search Engines results pages (in fact many argue it is THE most important factor). – To put it most simply – every link to your site is seen by the search engines as being a vote of confidence in your site. 

Tricks / How to Quickly List Google Adsense

Google adsense program adsense may be the most popular among bloggers, because already many are popular direject, many are banned, the disabled and many were successful to the dollar from google adsense. When creating a new blog on blogger, we automatically presented with google adsense registration form (in the Monetize tab). But, if the content of our blog in Indonesian language, is hard to be approved. Nha for bloggers who have repeatedly rejected her and adsense for bloggers who want to

17 Effective Search Engine Optimization Techniques

Proper ways to perform SEO has become a popular topic of conversation. The difference between having a successful website and a flop usually depends on how you incorporated your SEO.

Learning proper SEO techniques can seem like a daunting task, especially to those who are not familiar with the concept. The biggest problem is SEO changes as the search engines change their algorithms, so it is something that you have to stay on top of.


Quick Ways To Get Traffic To Your Blog

I am going to discuss 3 proven, clever techniques you can use to drive traffic to your blog each time you post. In fact, you can make a brand new blog, use these techniques, and generate 20 to 30 visits on day one! You won't have to wait months to get the blog ranked in the search engine for keywords, and you don't need to spend wads of cash buying traffic.

On Site SEO Techniques

Having looked at Off site Search Engine Optimization Techniques I’ll now turn my attention to examining some of the factors you might like to keep in mind as you build your blog – (or Onsite techniques – things you do on your blog that help build a higher ranking). As with all SEO techniques there are many of these and a lot of speculation around all of them so let me touch on as many as I can:



This is the latest version of the Fedora Linux operating system's Desktop Edition. It's everything you need to try out Fedora — you don't have to erase anything on your current system to try it out, and it won't put your files at risk. Take Fedora for a test drive, and if you like it, you can install Fedora directly to your hard drive straight from the Live Media desktop if you like.

Download here
Fedora 18

Download Internet Download Manager 6.17 Build 1 Full Patch

Download Internet Download Manager 6.17 Build 1 Full Patch Download Internet Download Manager 6.17 Build 1 Full Patch - Best wishes download happy friend zone, after the previous post about Download Naruto Shippuden Episode 319 Newest 3GP, MP4, MKV Subtitle Indonesia and New MP3 Songs Download: J-Rocks Nescafe Journey (full Album 2013) this time zone will share download free software or free download full version software. This time the free software Download Internet

Setting / Moving to Blogger Custom Domain (TLD)

Custom domain is a domain that is unique. Domain means it has an identity that is not the same as other and made in accordance with the wishes of the creator of the domain. Custom domain name is also attached to the term Top Level Domain (TLD) or domain with the top level and has only one extension (. Com,. Net,. Information, etc.). Each website has a right to a domain with a custom domain desired condition is not owned / ordered by others.


10 Facts About Google Adsense

Google Adsense or commonly abbreviated as GA would have been familiar to sobat.Ini is a service where we will be paid by placing ads in our blog and we will be paid perkliknya.Tapi behind these things, there are also tables of facts that may surprise for sobat.Yuk game .... can not wait anymore??? he hehehe.Ini 10 Facts About Google Adsense


10 Google Adsense Tips & Tricks For Beginners

This article is intended for beginners who just want or are creating a site and want to earn extra money from Google Adsense Adsense.Google affliasi itself is a program that Google uses to attract webmasters to help promote Google ads.


Have CentOS-6.4 Release

CentOS (Community Enterprise Operating System) is a Linux distribution as a form of business to provide enterprise-class computing platform that has a fully binary code compatibility with the source code to its parent, Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL).


Options Used For Running PostregSQL

Options Used For Running PostregSQL
PostregSQL can be installed on the same machine or different from the apache web server. PostregSQL and Apache in one machine allows PostregSQL run only to accept connections over the network by running pg_ctl-o 'i' or postmaster-i. Rc.pgsql script, in order to accept connections from the network, should be

60 Windows 8 tips, tricks and secrets

60 Windows 8 tips, tricks and secrets
Windows 8 has been with us for over half a year now, and if you're used to previous versions of Windows then you're going to notice that quite a bit has changed. In fact, Windows 8 has seen the biggest change since the jump from Windows 3.1 to Windows 95.
Out goes the Start menu, in comes the new touch-oriented Start screen with new Windows 8-style apps and

openSUSE; disable ifup networkmanager checking

openSUSE; disable ifup networkmanager checking
So you are running KVM or maybe you just want to run some fancy networking beyond what networkmanager can do in openSUSE then you have noticed that you get a message similar to the below.
# ifup virbr1.300
Network is managed by 'NetworkManager.service' -> skipping
Sad, Sad. Some other Linux distributions don't do this kind of checking, but i guess that leaves open some

Deploy Website PHP ke AppHarbor

Ini merupakan postingan pertama saya di tahun 2013. Disela-sela kesibukan untuk membuat dapur tetap ber-”asap”  , saya sempatkan untuk menulis artikel ini. Sekaligus saya mengucapkan terima kasih kepada komunitas CloudIndonesiA karena sudah diberikan kepercayaan sebagai CloudIndonesiA Technology Evangelist dengan spesialisasi AppHarbor. Kedepannya saya tidak hanya menulis seputar AppHarbor namun juga menulis mengenai penggunaan Continuous Integration (CI) di .NET Framework environment. Karena saya tertarik seputar CI dan cloud tools yang membantu development aplikasi menjadi lebih mudah. Salah satunya adalah TFS on Cloud. Ditunggu saja artikel-artikel berikutnya.


Creating Sitemap Page For All Labels (Membuat Page Peta Situs Untuk Semua Label)

If you want to show all of your blog posts at same page then follow below steps one by one.
  1.  Go to your blogger blog.
  2.   Now Navigate to Pages > New Page > Blank Page.
  3.  Switch it to HTML mode.
  4.  Paste below code in the post body.

<script type="text/javascript">
var numposts = 100;


Cara Mudah Membuat auto forwarding SMS

Cara Mudah Membuat auto forwarding SMS 

Apa sih auto forwarding SMS itu?? Misalkan Anda memiliki sejumlah nomor hp teman atau member yang jumlahnya banyak sekali, bisa ratusan atau ribuan yang tersimpan di database SMS center. Nah… jika Anda ingin mengirim pesan SMS ke semua nomor tersebut, Anda tinggal kirim SMS ke SMS center yang Anda buat sendiri dengan format pesan misalnya: FWD#PESAN maka otomatis pesan akan diteruskan oleh SMS center ke semua nomor hp yang ada di database. 
Kalau sudah paham apa itu SMS Auto Forwarding, bagaimana cara membuatnya? Untuk membuat SMS auto forwarding ini, yang Anda butuhkan adalah PC server yang di dalamnya sudah terinstal Gammu

Perintah Sederhana Opensuse Linux

1. Repair grub2 suse =
grub2-mkconfig -o /boot/grub2/grub.cfg

2. sourtchut =
gnome-desktop-item-edit ~/Desktop --create-new
setelah itu agar lebih mudah maka saya lanjutkan dengan

touch /sbin/scrcrt
chmod + x /sbin/scrcrt


Cara mengatasi gagal bios atau downgrade bios

Kemaren saya dapet job eh bukan job nding tapi minta pertolongan, dia minta Downgrade OS ( Operating SYSTEM ) yang tadinya Windows VISTA ke Windows XP. Terang saja HP compaq CQ40 harus di downgrade BIOS terlebih dahulu agar sound-nya bisa jalan di Windows xp, Nagh, ini dia masalahnya, setelah saya downgrade tuh BIOS_nya ternyata Notebook HP CQ40-337TU nya tewas crying alias gak bisa Booting ( inikah dia yang disebut gagal downgrade BIOs ?


Efek Menembus Batas (Out of Bounds)

Efek menembus batas atau biasa juga di bilang “Out of Bounds” merupakan sebuah manipulasi Photoshop di mana objek suatu foto akan terlihat seolah-olah keluar dari foto itu. Untuk lebih jelasnya mari simak tutorial



Dalam aplikasi web, untuk autentikasi ke dalam sistem database dapat menggunakan antarmuka berbagai aplikasi atau program seperti CGI maupun server API. Apache Web Server dapat berinter-aksi dengan system database dengan menggunakan modul seperti php, jsp maupun CGI dan dapat digunalan untuk menghubungkan klien dengan server database. Program CGI, script php atau jsp dapat berisi nama user dan password untuk autientikasi ke database server. Pada bab postingan ini akan saya bahas mengenai koneksi ke PostgreSQL melaluli PHP.


Efek Gerakan (Motion Effect)

Membuat efek gerak atau kecepatan dengan Photoshop dapat dilakukan hanya dengan beberapa langkah saja. Dengan memberikan efek gerak atau kecepatanpada sebuah foto, foto akan tampak memiliki kesan yang lebih hidup.
Berikut Step By Step Tutorial Efek Gerakan….

Langkah pertama, seleksilah objek motor dan si pembalapnya. Anda boleh menggunakan Polygonal Lasso Tool (L) atau menggunakan Pen Tool (P)


penyeleksian helai rambut pada photoshop merupakan hal yang sedikit rumit, bagi pengguna awam, biasanya mereka hanya memotong bagian helai rambut di potong langsung menggunakan bantuan polygonal lasso tool atau magic wand, hal ini tidak sebaik kita menggunakan channel atau extract, agar anda dapat menyeleksi bagian helai rambut agar dapat terseleksi sedetil mungkin, caranya perhatikan betul tutorial di atas.



Creating Simple Shell Scripts
Shell scripts are good for automating repetitive shell tasks. Bash and other shells include the basic constructs found in various programming languages, such as loops, tests, case statements, and so on. The main difference is that there is only one type of variable: strings.
Editing and Running a Script
Shell scripts are simple text files. You can create them using your favorite text editor (such as vi). To run, the shell script file must be executable. For example, if you created a shell script with a file name of myscript.sh
, you could
make it executable
as follows:
chmod u+x myscript.sh
Also, the first line of your bash scripts should always be the following:
As with any command, besides being executable the shell script you create must also either be in your PATH or be identified by its full or relative path when you run it. In other words, if you just try to run your script, you may get the following result:




Triks Mendaftar Akun Adsense
Nah , sebelum kite lanjut, nyantai dulu gan... :D. siapin rokok (bagi yg perokor) tyuz siapain kopie (bagi yg peminum kopi). Okey deh setelaah ntu persiapin dlu alat tempurnya gan krn kite nih udah mulai perng #ngacir.. :). okey gk usah panjang lebar nih petunjuknya yah di baca mulai dari awal yah...

1. blogspot otomatis harus akun gmail yang baru nama akun google mirip dengan nama
2. domain tld gunain dot tk yang free, gak mau belikan and lagi gak punya duit, ane dah paham kan..
3. domain tld .com .net dlll lebih bagus.


OpenSUSE 12.3 upgradation guide – tips, tricks and tight corners

OpenSUSE 12.3 KDE Desktop - Irresistibly beautifulIt has been 8 years now that I have been using Linux. Got my first computer in the beginning of 2005 and of course, the first thing I installed was Windows XP. Then in August I tried out with a CD image of SUSE 9.1 which came with one of the tech magazines I used to buy then; and that was the first Linux that touched my P4 system. Ever since, I have been a hardcore fan of Linux, especially OpenSUSE (as it is called now). My humble suggestion is that you do not ask an OpenSUSE fan his reasons for being one, unless you are eager and ready to listen the word awesome a few hundred times. Oh, and by the way, if you want to know what you are gonna get after upgrading to OpenSUSE 12.3, here is the OpenSUSE 12.3 (Dartmouth) review.


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